Friday, 23 March 2018

Sharing Stories

I awoke this morning really thinking about this, and what I can or should do about it. I'm very aware that this topic is quite sensitive for the people who are probably exactly the people who would be interested. I know also that I cannot offer a magic wand or incantation that will make this easy.
Living with cancer (that's what they say isn't it?) has to be your own story. You may hate everything I did and have done, but by sharing it with you I offer you what worked for me, and what didn't so that you can see the infinite choices that are available to you.
I tell people I spent a year dying, but I'm past it now. It's been 3 years since I completed my treatment and I see that I am not past anything, I am altered forever by my illness. That isn't as awful as it sounds. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Your strength astounds me. You are a huge inspiration and I love you for it x

    1. let's meet for're pretty amazing too!
